The Mission

One moms journey to
attempt to do it all. Homeschool happy, healthy kids, have a loving blissful marriage, and run a successful business.

Monday, October 28, 2013

the dot project

The Dot Project is based on the book by Peter H. Reynolds. In the book there's a girl named vashti  and she says she cant draw so she sat in her art class chair and she wasn't going to move. so then her art teacher came over and said that her blank paper was a polar bear in a snow storm but she just laughed and said I just can not draw. Then her art teacher smiled and said just make a mark so vashti did she gave that paper a big jab and said ''There!''. Her teacher studied that jab and then she said ''Now sigh it'' so vashti did she sighed V.A.S.H.T.I. The next day she was so surprised to see what was hanging above her art teachers desk. It was vashti's very own dot that she jabed on to that paper it was framed in swirly gold. Then she said that she can make a better dot then that so she opened her watercolor set that was brand new and set to work. Vashti painted and painted she painted a yellow dot and a green dot a red dot and a blue dot she even mixed blue and yellow and found out that she can make a green dot she made lot of dots little  dot and  big dots and even  giant she made dots by not painting dots. Then the school art show was a few weeks later and all of vashti dots where there and she was a big success. That's the story of vashti and her dot so we were just like vashti and we made tons of dot big and little dots and then we ar going to do a family giant dot and hangup on our wall in are class room. Its going to be really fun  

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Great St. Lawrence Seaway

Who knew that this was such an engineering marvel?   In studying the search for the NorthWest Passage, we explored one of the by-products of that search... The St. Lawrence Seaway.  So Cool.

A Nice addition to our studies.

Also a few videos on YouTube were helpful.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Taking it to the street.

Emma has been struggling to memorize her multiplication facts.  She can work them out in her head, but has not been able to recall them from memory.
So we took our math to the street yesterday.  It was a beautiful morning, and the kids had a blast playing multiplication hopscotch, and other variety of games and memory work.

Jack was able to work on skip counting and jumping, while the girls worked on the 3's.

I think that this worked.  Before bed I reviewed the facts with Emma, and she knew them all without hesitation.  

We have tried all kinds of rote memory work for Emma and it just hasn't stuck.  My theory is that when she is asked to do something physically challenging (jumping from square to square- don't land on the lines, etc) it frees up the portion of her brain that was anxious about the math.  She was so worried about trying to remember that it blocked it.  Being physically active distracted her and allowed it to really sink in. 
I'm going to look and see if I can find any literature to confirm this. :)

Moving on to the 4's today!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

sound project- string telephones by, Abby & Emma

                               SOUND EXPERIMENT 

When you make string telephones you tie a string to two plastic cups and add paper clips, then you talk to the person on the other side and you can have a conversation. A three way call is possible you just add a third cup, more string and a third paper clip. To hear the people talking you half to pull the string tight to here the sound, If you don't the vibration will stop and the sound won't make it through. ~ Emma

     Today we did a sound experiment.  We made a phone out of string and plastic cups. It worked really well!  The way the phone works is when the string vibrates, the sound waves move across the string from one cup to another.  We also made a three way call by adding one string and cup to the middle.  That also worked very well.  We had a lot of fun doing this! ~ Abby

The "3 Way" call.

Mom's Note:  This experiment was really cool, I had no idea that it would work as well as it did. 

We used just a regular plastic cup, some twine, and paperclips.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Matchbox Ordinals ~ Math Exploration

Jack's cars raced and we used the finish line results to discuss ordinals!
More math with toys!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

"Transformer" Math ~ Graphing Exploration

Jack's first "work' of the day was to bring down ALL of his transformers.  Pretty cool way to start the school day :).  Then he sorted them into different categories,

3. Bot-shots
4. Launchers
5. Easy to transform
6.  Hard to transform
7.  Weapons


Then he graphed the results... with some playing and sound effects along the way.

He choose a different color for each bar to depict what he was representing in the graph.

His conclusions when all were graphed was, "Wow, I have a lot more Autobots than anything else!"
Mission Accomplished.

I have found that is it very easy to engage Jack in his work, when we incorporate the things that he loves or is currently interested in.  Making him move around the house, gets the "ants" out of his pants, so he will actually be able to focus on his "work".

Additional Reading